According to an article on The Daily Times dated May 4, 2015, “…women are more likely than men to experience depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and eating disorders.” This may just seem like some made-up belief, but there are biological and environmental factors that draw the line between men … Continue reading
According to the latest available data for the U.S., suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the nation, with 90 percent of all victims having a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their demise.
Both males and females get bipolar disorder but in different forms. While males lean toward mania, females lean toward depression. This is exemplified by an increase in prevalence of eating disorders, specific phobias and even thoughts of suicide among women. On the other hand, men often exhibit frequent substance abuse.
Regardless of how much you have yearned for a child, the multitude of expectations that life requires you to do may be too overwhelming. If you find yourself crying instead of enjoying motherhood, you may be suffering from baby blues, which is relatively normal unless it leads to postpartum depression … Continue reading
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As an experienced psychiatrist in Newport Beach, I use a client-centered therapy
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