Therapist in Newport Beach Treats Women with Postpartum Depression

Regardless of how much you have yearned for a child, the multitude of expectations that life requires you to do may be too overwhelming. If you find yourself crying instead of enjoying motherhood, you may be suffering from baby blues, which is relatively normal unless it leads to postpartum depression … Continue reading
Read MoreA Psychiatrist in Newport Beach can Help Deal with Anxiety Disorders

Everyone can get anxious every now and then, especially when presented with a situation where they are uncomfortable or unfamiliar. On the other hand, some people have anxiety that is beyond what is considered normal, or an anxiety disorder. This type of anxiety is intense, consuming, pervasive, and can interfere … Continue reading
Read MoreConditions Treated by a Newport Beach Therapist—A Closer Look at BPD

People with a condition known as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) typically consult an experienced therapist in Newport Beach and elsewhere for appropriate treatment. A therapist listens to a BPD sufferer’s feelings, fears, and thoughts, allowing them to professionally assess and understand their client’s motivations. Unfortunately, for the people around an … Continue reading
Read MoreNewport Beach Psychiatrist on Seasonal Depression, Possible Treatments

Gray skies and a downpour is definitely a gloomy sight. Perhaps, too gloomy for others. Anyone who feels unusually sad every time it rains might be suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). As the name implies, SAD means a person’s mood drops to an all-time low during the autumn and … Continue reading
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